Dept of Kaya Chikitsa in collaboration with NSS unit
Dr. N. A. Magadum Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital And Research Center, Ankali.
To create and spread awareness regarding HIV and AIDS, a program was been arranged at Shree Adappa Devendra Kagawade Arts and Commerce Junior College, Nasalapur Tal- Raibagh Dist – Belgavi on World AIDS Day i.e. 1st of Dec 2022 from 11 am to 1 pm. This program was arranged in joint venture with National Service Scheme unit of Dr. N.A. Magadum Ayurvedic Medical College, Ankali Program was inaugurated by welcoming to dignitaries followed by Dhanwantari Poojana. Afterwards the NSS volunteers pinned the ‘Red Ribbon’ to all the attendees. Dr. Sanjay Patil, medical practioner and director of Elacharya Vidyanand Educations Society, Nasalapur was president for the function. Along with him Dr. Pradeep Dhavale, Prof and HOD, Dept of Kaya Chikitsa, Dr. N.A.Magadum Ayurvedic Medical College, Ankali was chief guest. Dr. Ramgonda Patil, Prof and NSS coordinator, Dr. Amit Masule, Prof and HOD Dept of Samhita and Siddhant, Dr. N.A.Magadum Ayurvedic Medical College, Ankali, Mrs. V. M. Malage, Principal, Shree Adappa Devendra Kagawade Arts and Commerce Junior College, Nasalapur were the dignitaries on the dice. Briefing regarding importance of scheduling the program was done by Mr. Hangandi sir in Kannada language.
Dr. Pradeep Dhavale delivered the main speech regarding the AIDS. “Rock The Ribbon” – the theme decided by WHO for 2022 was very well explained by him. Power Point Presentation was used to deliver the information about cause, transmission, treatment and preventive measures of HIV. He stated to support the HIV suffers on humanity ground. Giving sympathy and counseling to HIV patients to continue medicines leading a healthy and prolong life is need of hour. Delaying the process of getting into AIDS was the intentional message delivered. While concluding his speech he advised to all the attendees that ‘Prevention is better’, should always try to attain but if atal disease afflicts then one need to overcome on it by getting proper knowledge about it. Proper knowledge only will lead to a pleasurable life and illiteracy will land a person in sorrowful life.

We conducted awareness speech on immunity, vaccination and aahar poshan at government primary Marathi school and government urdu school Ankali under the banner of NSS activity of our college on 21/09/2022
Speech by Dr Ramgonda Patil( NSS PO).
Camp conducted by Dr sachidanand V., & NSS Volunteers & Internees.